Hertfordshire Lawn Tennis Association AGM 2020


Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic we are unable to hold our Annual General Meeting in the same way this year.  However, we will be arranging a virtual and interactive meeting to take place on Thursday 03 December 2020 from 8-9 pm.


The following people shall be entitled to attend and vote at an AGM

  • The officers and members of the Committee
  • The Vice Presidents
  • One representative on behalf of each registered club (in addition to any individual who is a serving member of the Committee) or two representatives attending in the case of a registered member club which pays the maximum rate of annual subscription to the LTA (each having a separate vote)


We will be communicating to all our registered clubs via the designated Club Main Contact by email soon and they will be asked to nominate their chosen club representative, (having checked with them that they are happy to represent the club), and email their name and email address to hertstenniscommittee@gmail.com for the attention of Helen Elliott, Honorary Secretary, not later than 24 November 2020.  The chosen club representative will then be sent an invite, relevant papers and a link to join the live meeting via Zoom on the evening of 03 December.


All clubs are invited to submit questions via your Club Main Contact/chosen representative, in advance of the meeting, about our organisation and our annual report and accounts for 2019/2020.