Coaches Network Meeting, 14th July 2021 follow up
Thank you to those who attended the recent Herts coaches network meeting. It was great to catch up with you on the zoom call, with representatives from venues both big and small, members of the Herts Tennis Coaches Forum and the Herts Management Committee, our CDC Partners UCoach, as well as Josh Dashwood and Mark Padfield from the LTA regional team.
(If you weren’t able to attend, here’s what you missed and we’d still love your feedback – read on!)
We discussed the new LTA Youth programme and how that is being received, the latest CPD opportunities from UCoach, the role of the optimal parenting workshops and how coaches can support parents of our competing players, as well as updates about tennis in the county. A big thank you goes to presenters Sam Bruce from Gosling as well as Josh Dashwood and Mark Padfield, and also to coaches Mark Roskilly and Louise Penny for sharing their experiences of LTA Youth.
Please see the slides below for reference. There are also some leaflets from UCoach giving fuller descriptions of their CPD courses – dates for these will be on the UCoach website (ucoach.org.uk) when available but if there is no date showing then you can register your interest in any course by emailing UCoach at administration@ucoach.org.uk.
We’d be very grateful if you could spend just a few minutes providing some feedback so that we can tailor future events and have created a very short survey that will take just a minute to complete here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TLGW9LY Thank you in advance for completing this. If you have any additional feedback we would really welcome that by emailing us at hertstennis@gmail.com
Don’t forget the Hertfordshire County Championships is taking place in the final week of the summer holidays. The event is open to Herts players only and is where County Champions are crowned! Entries are now open and close on August 8th – Please encourage your junior players and adult members by sharing the following entry link: https://competitions.lta.org.uk/tournament/EBA79116-6A8A-4096-8CE6-5AE4C8C8D40D
Finally, SAVE THE DATE! The Herts Tennis Coaches Forum is hosting the annual Coaches Forum day at Batchwood on Thursday 28th October 2021 we hope to see you all there!
14 July Herts Tennis Coach Networking Presentation slides
Courses in Herts – as at July 2021 for Herts Coaches Meeting
LTA Courses Additions & Changes – For Herts Meeting July 2021